Trickle Rock

200 ml, 9 x 8 x 14 cm (Item No.:36338)

Product details

Practical and natural-looking dripper. This product blends extremely well into the overall appearance of the terrarium. The dripper has a completely natural effect on the reptiles and they do not regard it as disruptive. The dripper is ideal for all creatures that do not drink from standing water such as types of chameleon. Simply allow the dripper to drop on a large leaf and even the most critical creatures will be stimulated to drink. The drip speed can be easily adjusted by a valve to suit every nursling. The high-performance suction cup guarantees a secure hold on the wall of the terrarium. The particularly high-quality plastic of the dripper is completely harmless for your animals and easy to clean.

Product benefits at a glance:

  • natural-looking dripper, blends extremely well into terrarium
  • even the most critical creatures will be stimulated to drink
  • the drip speed can be easily adjusted
  • high-performance suction cup guarantees a secure hold
  • particularly high-quality plastic and therefore completely harmless for your animals


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