Dietary Supplements

Animals being cared for by humans must be kept and fed in a proper manner. Their feed must contain specific minerals and vitamins as well as tiny quantities of essential trace elements. This is the only way to strengthen the animals' general resistance and reduce the risk of disease.

{aqua:Under the brand name HOBBY Aquaristik, we have had an exclusive licence to market a unique special feed for fish, molluscs and crustaceans - Cyclop-eeze. Both the freeze-dried and the flake feed contain an unparalleled concentration of omega-3 fatty acids and up to 3000 parts per million (ppm) of astaxanthin - the latter being of particular importance to long term colour effect in the animals.}

{dupla:With DuplaRin we offer another unique feed concept under the Dupla brand name. Research into the feeding habits of tropical fish has shown that over 80 percent of their dietary constituents are identical. On the basis of this knowledge, we have developed a feed that ideally meets the needs of all fish. Depending on the size of the fish's mouth, we offer the feed in the sizes S, M, L and XL.}

{marin:Under the brand name DuplaMarin Meerwasseraquaristik we offer feed for both marine fish and for corals. The feed is precisely tuned to the needs of the animals concerned. Zooxanthellate hard corals require specific nitrogen compounds, amino acids, vitamins and organic compounds, in addition to metabolising their symbiotic algae. This requirement is met by our high-quality floating feed, where nutrients are naturally absorbed by the polyps.}

{terra:With our HOBBY Terraristik brand name, we completely avoid ready-made feeds as the majority of terrarium owners prefer live food for their animals. However, terrarium animals under the care of humans require additional food supplements. Hence we have developed high-quality vitamin and mineral preparations for both carnivorous and herbivorous animals for the terraristics range.}

Aqua Pearls Calcium
Aqua Pearls Calcium

calcium-containing wat...

Sepia Crunch
Sepia Crunch

Sepia Bone
Sepia Bone

Aqua Pearls Vit D3
Aqua Pearls Vit D3

vitamin-containing wat...

Reptix Aqua Gel
Reptix Aqua Gel

stores water

Reptix Mineral
Reptix Mineral

mineral feed

Reptix Vital
Reptix Vital

dietary supplement